Comparing Laravel Horizon and Google Cloud Tasks. #2 (Laravel Horizon alternative)

In this blog post, we'll take a look at how Laravel Horizon and Google Cloud Tasks compare in terms of performance, scalability, and more.


When it comes to performance, both Laravel Horizon and Google Cloud Tasks are highly efficient. Laravel Horizon is built on top of the Redis queue driver, which is known for its speed and reliability. It also includes features like batch processing and job tracking, which can help to improve the performance of your task queues. Google Cloud Tasks, on the other hand, is built on top of GCP infrastructure and uses HTTP POST requests to deliver tasks to a worker service. This is slower than Laravel Horizon in most cases, but it is still a very fast and reliable way to manage task queues and it shouldn't be used where jobs are expected to be processed right away. Google Cloud Tasks takes a little bit of time to ramp up and process all tasks as it is a serverless service and it needs to allocate resources to process everything.


One area where Google Cloud Tasks shines is scalability. It can scale horizontally and handle a large number of tasks with ease. Laravel Horizon, on the other hand, is limited by the capacity of the Redis server that it is running on. While it is possible to scale horizontally by adding additional Redis servers, it is not as simple as it is with Google Cloud Tasks and it would cost more to provision & keep Redis running.

Ease of use

Laravel Horizon is very easy to use and is well-documented, making it a great choice for developers who are new to task queues. It is also fully integrated with the Laravel framework, so you can get started with it quickly and easily. Google Cloud Tasks, on the other hand, requires a bit more setup and configuration, and it is not as tightly integrated with Laravel. This can make it a bit more challenging for developers who are new to it as it requires unlearning some things about Horizon when moving to Tasks.


When it comes to pricing, Laravel Horizon is a free and open-source tool, while Google Cloud Tasks is a paid service. Google Cloud Tasks is based on a pay-as-you-go model, with prices starting at $0.40 per million tasks. This can sound more expensive than Laravel Horizon, but running a Redis server or buying Managed Redis service is more expensive. For example, getting MemoryStore Redis of 1GB for a whole month as of writing would cost ~$40 per month. For $40 you could run 100M tasks, and you pay for only what you use in case of Tasks, and the MemoryStore instance would cost the same amount no matter the usage.


One other thing to consider when comparing Laravel Horizon and Google Cloud Tasks is the type of tasks that you need to run. Laravel Horizon is best suited for running tasks within the Laravel framework, such as dispatching jobs, sending emails, or generating reports or PDFs. On the other hand, Google Cloud Tasks is more flexible and can be used to run any type of task, including tasks that are not related to Laravel, and is language agnostic. Configuration changes in Laravel Horizon take effect when it is restarted, which can become an issue if large workloads are run and cause a delay between jobs if the timing is critical. In contrast, the Google Cloud Task queues can be configured in the console or CLI and take effect instantly.


Another factor to consider is the level of control that you need over your task queues. Laravel Horizon gives you fine-grained control over your task queues, including the ability to specify concurrency limits, retry policies, and more. Google Cloud Tasks offers similar controls, but they are not as customizable as with Laravel Horizon.


One other thing to consider when comparing Laravel Horizon and Google Cloud Tasks is the type of tasks that you need to run. Laravel Horizon is best suited for running tasks within the Laravel framework, such as dispatching jobs or sending emails. Google Cloud Tasks, on the other hand, is more flexible and can be used to run any type of task, including tasks that are not related to Laravel.

Monitoring & Alerting

In terms of monitoring and visibility, both Laravel Horizon and Google Cloud Tasks offer tools to help you track the progress of your tasks. Laravel Horizon has a built-in dashboard that shows you real-time statistics on your queues, including the number of jobs processed, the number of jobs that failed, and more. Google Cloud Tasks has a similar dashboard, but additionally, it offers a queue-depth dashboard. Also, there is an opportunity to set up monitoring & alerting for Google Cloud Task queues.


In terms of community support, both Laravel Horizon and Google Cloud Tasks have active communities of developers who can help you to troubleshoot problems and get the most out of these tools. Laravel Horizon has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the project and provide support on forums like GitHub and Stack Overflow. Google Cloud Tasks also has a large and active community, with support available on forums like the Google Cloud Platform Community and Stack Overflow.


Horizon is built on top of Redis, so it is limited by the underlying Redis instance, but it is possible to scale Redis horizontally and vertically and it can't be used outside the Laravel community.
Google Cloud Tasks on the other hand isn't as fast as Horizon, is HTTP based, and is integrated with other Google Cloud products & services such as Google Cloud Functions, GKE, Cloud Run, and others. If you're not using Google Cloud you might not be able to use it to its fullest potential.


In conclusion, Laravel Horizon and Google Cloud Tasks are both excellent tools for managing task queues, and the right choice for your application will depend on your specific needs. Laravel Horizon is a fast, easy-to-use task queue manager that is fully integrated with the Laravel framework, while Google Cloud Tasks is a highly scalable solution that can be used with any language or framework, but requires little bit of work to get going. Both tools have active communities of developers who can provide support and help you to get the most out of these tools.